Thursday, June 12, 2014

More than an elementary introduction of sorts.

I have played with the idea of starting a blog for a couple of years now.  But where to start?  I would love to share the precious nuggets that the Lord gives me during my quiet times with Him.  I would also love to share my journey as a classroom teacher, but I don't have time to maintain 2 blogs.  Thus...More Than an Elementary Teacher has been born.  I want to share the truths that God has taught me over the past 12 years AND I am going to share a day in the life of an elementary teacher.

Let's get started with getting to know me.  My name is Peggy Alexander, first and foremost, I am a Daughter of the King.  I surrendered my life to the Lord as an adult in 2002 (that journey is a post in and of itself).  I have been a member of Family Church in White Hall for 14 years and have served in various capacities in the children's and youth ministries.

I am a military brat-I was born and raised in the U.S. Air Force and then married into the U.S. Army.  I have one beautiful daughter and two dogs that I affectionately call my fur-babies.

I am an elementary teacher, I have taught kindergarten, first grade, and third grade.  I feel that God has called me to be a Christian teacher in the public school classroom and I have walked in that calling since 2004.

As I mentioned before, my purpose in beginning this blog is to share those precious nuggets that the Lord shares with me as well as sharing 'a day in the life of a teacher'.  So whether you are looking for an encouraging word from the Lord or some classroom ideas, I hope you will join me on this journey.

Many Blessings,

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